The DJR Experience
"It's more than just a BRAND, It's a LIFESTYLE."
The DJR Experience
The DJR Experience is/are items and things, from apparel to fragrances, nightlife to entertainment/events etc. brought to you by Devin J. Ricks. He is featuring the first collection to The DJR Experience which is the highly acclaimed "No More Apologies" clothing line. The brand specializes in services that brings a unique experience to everyday activities, from entertainment, culture, fun liberating quotes (on apparel), good smelling fragrances etc. We believe everyday experiences should be done with the utmost care when it comes to fun extracurricular activities. The human experience is something to enjoy and with our brand's special taste, we will be sure to bring excitement and fun to everything we do. More items/things will appear under The DJR Experience very soon! Enjoy the first additions to the collection. Have a great day! Thank you for checking out the experience! :)